News 26.02.2020

The shape of illusion. Image in film set design.

This is the first large exhibition of the set designers of Oscar-winning and nominated films, AFA Katowice teachers Katarzyna Sobańska and Marcel Sławiński.

The exhibition uses unusual means to present the creative process that results in an extraordinary form of the film image. The components of reality and imagination, from words to design and from design to film frame, show how the art of scenography gives a tangible shape to an illusion.

The exhibition offers a glimpse of the film magic and mystery behind-the-scenes and also attempts to show what film set design actually is. The Scenography and Costume festival at the Centre for the Meeting of Cultures will provide an opportunity to see objects from Paweł Pawlikowski’s  “Ida” (Oscar for best foreign language film) and “Cold War” (Oscar nominations in three categories: best director, best cinematography and best foreign language film), Angnieszka Holland’s “In Darkness” (Oscar nomination for best foreign language film) and Tomek Wasilewski’s minimalist pictures.

The event is organized in the framework of “Scena w budowie” Scenography and Costume festival, Lublin

2 February – 26 April 2020, 12:00-18:00 (except Mondays)
Opening: 22 February 2020 (free admission)
Galeria Wystaw Czasowych +1
Admission: PLN7 (free admission on Wednesdays)

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